This page is dedicated to defining and distinguishing between MSPs and MSSPs
while offering an overview on these two business models.

The Journey of MSPs and MSSPs

iStock 1576360477The need for cybersecurity assistance traces back to the nascent days of the Internet. Initially, organizations procured, deployed, and oversaw their own security solutions. However, as the cybersecurity landscape burgeoned with specialized products, navigating this intricate domain became daunting for many. Consequently, a demand surged for assistance in sourcing, acquiring, and implementing new security solutions. This spurred the emergence of Systems Integrators, IT consultants, and other entities to cater to these needs.

As cyber threats evolved and technology complexities escalated, businesses sought a more holistic solution akin to the outsourced IT helpdesk model. In response, Managed Service Providers (MSPs) emerged, offering comprehensive services ranging from sourcing and installing security products to managing overall security solutions as an ongoing service.

The Difference Between an MSP and an MSSP

Both MSPs and MSSPs provide managed services to their clientele, departing from the traditional project-based consulting and deployment contracts. Historically, MSPs primarily offered broad IT services, while MSSPs specialized in cybersecurity solutions. However, contemporary trends have seen a convergence, blurring the lines between the two. Many providers now offer amalgamated IT and security services, leading to interchangeable usage of the MSP and MSSP terms.

Understanding MSPs

MSPs encompass companies offering managed services, which may include IT helpdesk support, backup/restore solutions, and sometimes cybersecurity. Unlike traditional project-based models, MSPs typically charge an ongoing monthly fee, providing continuous support and maintenance.


Scope of Services:

MSPs typically offer a broad spectrum of managed IT services, encompassing IT helpdesk support, network management, cloud services, and more.

Focus on IT Infrastructure:

MSPs prioritize the management and maintenance of clients’ IT infrastructure, including hardware, software, and network components.

Holistic Support:

MSPs provide comprehensive support for overall IT needs, often catering to businesses seeking a one-stop solution for their technology requirements.

Flexible Service Models:

MSPs offer flexible service agreements, typically charging a recurring monthly fee based on the number of users, devices, or sites, allowing scalability and predictability in costs.

Understanding MSSPs

MSSPs, on the other hand, are a subset of MSPs, focusing specifically on cybersecurity services. They boast specialized expertise in cybersecurity, often employing teams of seasoned security professionals operating from a dedicated Security Operations Center (SOC).


Specialized Cybersecurity Focus:

MSSPs specialize in cybersecurity services, offering expertise in threat detection, incident response, and vulnerability management.

Security Operations Center (SOC):

MSSPs often operate from a dedicated SOC, equipped with advanced tools and security experts, enabling round-the-clock monitoring and protection against cyber threats.

Compliance and Regulatory Expertise:

MSSPs provide tailored solutions to ensure compliance with industry regulations and standards, offering services such as GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI DSS compliance.

Advanced Threat Intelligence:

MSSPs leverage sophisticated threat intelligence tools and techniques to proactively identify and mitigate security risks, enhancing overall cyber resilience for their clients.

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