Tesla Charging Station
Fort Smith, Arkansas

We are proud to be leaders in the fight against climate change. The shift to 100% electric vehicles (EVs) is well on the way for Kirkham IronTech with 75% of our fleet consisting of Teslas.

Our Commitment

Kirkham IronTech has pledged to transform its service fleet to 100% electric vehicles by the year 2030, marking a significant step towards minimizing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and decreasing reliance on gasoline. This initiative underscores our dedication to not only mitigating environmental impact but also leading by example in the transition to sustainable energy.

Tom Kirkham cybersecurity expert author and speaker

The path to zero emissions

“Cleaner, healthier, communities are needed now more than ever,” said Tom Kirkham, Founder and CEO of Kirkham IronTech. “We are participating with actions, not just words, to create a cleaner future. Getting there will require investing in clean energy to reduce pollution. We are proud to be leaders in the fight against climate change. The shift to 100% electric vehicles (EVs) is well on the way for Kirkham IronTech with 75% of our fleet consisting of Teslas. The goal for Kirkham is to transition to all-electric or other zero-emission technologies by 2030. If other service fleets make this shift, it can be the catalyst for transforming service based fleets as a whole. We want to set the standard for other tech companies to follow suit.”

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